Spring is here. Do You Have the Proper Homeowners Coverage?
Spring is here. Families across the Delaware Valley are enjoying sunny days outside, baseball games and picnics. Spring is also the season of wacky weather, wicked winds and flash flooding.
When the rains come, your home’s septic system may be at risk of back up, potentially causing tens of thousands in damage to your home and its contents. The most common endorsement that homeowners forget to include in their policy is the Back Up of Sewers and Drains. Not only is this endorsement the most common but it is also one of the most cost effective during the course of owning a home. This policy that covers you in case of basement flooding when a Flood Insurance policy will not.
Click or Call us today to inquire about a new homeowners policy or update your existing coverage.
Wishing you and your family all the best this Spring,